Nesting time for some birds such as Gulls and Pigeons has started so you may hear them in the mornings or see them flying in a circle over your home with nesting materials in their mouths. Even more so if you are in the coastal areas of Sidmouth & Exmouth here in Devon.
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Spot the ladybirds!
You may have been lucky enough recently to see some ladybirds as the warmer temperatures have fooled them into coming out of hibernation. Harlequins Ladybirds are also knows as the Multicoloured Asian Ladybird due to the many colours and variations in spots. In Devon (and the rest of the UK) we
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Mice & rats hiding in your warm home?
Are you hearing scratching nosies in your loft as you are tidying up the Christmas decorations? Do you hear scurrying sounds in your kitchen (& not your other half raiding the fridge at midnight!)? If you fear you have unwanted visitors then you could have mice or even rat problems. At
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Why Choose Isca Pest Control?
We offer real genuine customer service . . . Isca Pest Control is a family run business, so we care about you – our customers and will always provide you with a personal service with updates and information regarding your pest situation. We appreciate your business and are more than
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Wasps! Do you love them or hate them?
Wasps, believe it or not, are good for the garden. They eat insects and other pests that attack our garden plants, and without them, our garden flowers and vegetable crops would be stripped bare by other pest insects. They are natural predators for greenfly, spiders, flies, cockroaches and ants amongst others. With several
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Giant rats now in Exeter?
No need to worry! This hole had to be dug, because the owner of the building had a rat problem in the drains & the hole had to be dug to get the drain professionals in to give Isca Pest Control a helping hand. They have specialist cameras to tell
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Watch out for Wasps!
The wasp (Vespidae) season is now fast approaching and the Queens are just starting to make their nests. Don’t get these insects confused with bees though, who at the moment, are starting to swarm. Bees will only swarm for a couple of days before moving on, so don’t worry about
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The 8 Most Common Pest Myths!
We’re faced with questions on a daily basis about pests and pest control, and the vast majority of them start with “is it true that…?” From Exeter to Exmouth, our clients are all asking us remarkably similar things and they don’t really know what to believe from their own research
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Giant Rats seen in the Midlands
Giant Rats have been seen throughout the Midlands & North West of England, but as yet the rats haven’t been seen here in Exeter. The large rats are up to two feet long in size & need much stronger poisons. The rats have been feeding at takeaways, restaurants and where
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Seagulls nesting season starts soon!
If you are having a problem you should act now! Gulls used to be associated around coastal areas, but the Herring Gull & the Black-backed Gull are often found in large numbers inland in the UK. Even our city centre of Exeter. They are already returning to their nesting sites
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